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Virtual Villagers 1: A New Home Forum

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Title Replies Last Post
how do you teach ur ppl to fish cos i have 4 girl and 1 3 year old b... 1 09/22/2006
I have a problem. A big one. My people are older, and they won't eve... 1 11/06/2008
School converts to something else? 1 04/07/2013
I dont have a master builder, he died and i dont know how I can ... 1 09/18/2006
ive got level 2 in farming and building and I have 5000. should I bu... 1 01/03/2008
How do you obtain leadership to rebuild the statue do you have to ha... 1 06/05/2008
virtual village game stratagy 1 12/29/2013
I was just wondering about the villagers doing laundry, is there any... 1 10/15/2006
why does sometimes, the food is below a 100-150 i cant... 1 10/29/2007
Where is the buried treasure ...PLZ help me 1 04/15/2008
What is W? You people are using it a lot and I have no clue what it ... 1 12/19/2007
What does this golden child have to do with this anyway? What does i... 1 06/27/2008
When does an adapt scientist become a master scientist??? Mine is ta... 1 03/11/2007
How do u start new huts??? My villagers got done with the first one ... 1 09/21/2006
Whenever I place an adult over the school, it says, "This villager t... 1 08/14/2007
how many times do you need to keep throwing a nursing mother into th... 1 03/11/2007
yea i lost my entire village cuz i used the real time thing but i ha... 1 09/27/2006
How do I get a Golden Child??? 1 04/06/2008
I've had triplets, and loads of twins 1 01/05/2008
how do you make a dad father the children cause the mask says "one f... 1 03/08/2007
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