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Virtual Villagers 2: The Lost Children Forum

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I seem to be having the same proble...

I seem to be having the same problem as most of you, i have all the tech stuff and 7 totems, i tried putting 1 in the centre of the mosiac, i tried putting them all there, i tried spreading them out all over the thing, and still nothing. Do i have to leave it in the centre for a while or what, can somebody PLS help me ... i'm desperate.

By captain canada
Have you excavated the mosaic site yet? In other words, have you cleared off all of the gr growing over the top of the tiles?
By goob
i had a similar problem. i had put a totem in the center (post-excavation) of my characters took the gong piece, but the piece never made it to gong. (i stopped watching the villager). i tried the very same thing you did, tying several other totwms...all to no avail. finally, once i got a brand new totem, i placed that in the center of the mosaic again. a gong piece appeared! this time i watched the villager carry it all the way to the gong. success!
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