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Ice Cream Tycoon Forum

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How do I increase the number of cus...

How do I increase the number of customers? I am at level 4 and I have customers buying several ice cream cones at once instead of multiple customers buying 1 cone. This doesn't help me clear this level.

By ang
I am also having trouble with this please help.
By leidy
I was having a lot of trouble with this as well. Even with having two carts in the same neighborhood. So I tried skipping the days instead of playing them out, and that how I finally got past the level.
By ani
I am skipping days with two carts and still can't p Level 4. What am I doing wrong?
By charly
To serve more customers, jack up your staff pay to 60 and then they serve loads faster. Also make sure you have as many 'extras' as you can get. Especially the fridge and the thing that attracts more customers.

As you are on level four, PLEASE tell me how to get through level 3!!!
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