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Virtual Villagers 2: The Lost Children Forum

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i need immediate help! i need a way...

i need immediate help! i need a way to get faster tech points!

By mazmania
if you buy the science tech you aculate tech points faster. also, master scientists make points faster than others so make sure you specialize some people to just research!
By mazmania
WOW....totally meant the word *ACULATE* but my fingers didn't agree with my head.
By mazmania
and now i realize that it is some sort of weird spell check that is changing the spelling and it wasn't me the first time. sorry i just didn't want to look like a total idiot...TWICE without explaining myself!!!
By me&you
OMG! I actually read your replies like 3 times trying to figure out what the heck you were talking about...That was too funny!
By kyon
Also, a little hint. If you have time, you can watch them work. When you hear the sound of beakers hitting each other, or, see a researcher "twist" it means they already aculated tech points. so just drag them back to the table again.
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