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Ice Cream Tycoon Forum

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Something I noticed is that once yo...

Something I noticed is that once you have multiple carts and cars for your ice cream, everyone pretty much buys exactly the same thing at the same time, no matter which neighborhoods they are in - which leads to negative ice creams - this can be taken advantage of since the push cart determines which ice creams are to be bought. So park the push cart in the neighborhood which likes the most expensive ice creams, then stock up on those ice creams to make money really fast.

You can only collect smiles in the arcade mode, and they open new neighborhoods and new ice creams. Piece of cake. Arcade mode is almost too easy - while story mode is hard since no matter how many ice creams a person buys, the ONLY ONE that matters is the very last one.

Also don't run out of ice cream if you have a line, all those people count against you!

Buying the "tracking software" is a waste of money and can be very frustrating when trying to decide which neighborhood to visit. It adds pictures of the SUPPOSEDLY favorite ice creams of that neighborhood, but I found it to be wrong most of the time, and flashes back and forth with the weather so it takes longer to see the weather.

This game could be a lot of fun, but because of the difficulty in raising points (money is a cinch), it makes if very frustrating.

CHEAT: open a game and save it at that point, run the sim and you will loose BUT you will know what the favorite ice creams are for that game (it changes every time) so restart the game (after loosing or else you end up saved at that point) and plug in the favorite ice creams. Winning is still hard, but you will avoid lots of frowns in the beginning.

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