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I'm trying to get to the Aureus Sca...

I'm trying to get to the Aureus Scandens. It would be easier to reach if I had two types of reptans.

By jennkneefur
Crossbreed Fourpetal Reptans with Aureus Gr and you will get what you are looking for. I used Mela Scandens to start with. I purchased this from the extinct seeds. I crossbreeded it with every seed that I had. It is a large pink seed with a gray stripe looking thing. If you don't have Fourpetal, you may need to purchase this as well or try your luck with the Mutation Liquid. Hope that helps!
By dragona
I final got a Mel Scandens from the store that I could cross to get the Aureus. I keep track of the the crossing using excel. This way I never have to figure out how to get back to something. And I can easily figure out how to get to something.
By jennkneefur
I did the same thing as well. Makes it a lot easier! Glad it worked out for you! :)
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