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hi!can anyone here help me out?what...

hi!can anyone here help me out?what plants with what colours do you have to mix in order to get magic plants?what soil,water they need?

oh,this isn't that think.i have the middle soil,but again my plants die,maybe a little slower,like the beggining soil,does this mean that i have to upgrade my water?

thanx ^.^ @(-.-)@(this is a monkey)

By lunar_lamb
Yes, you need to upgrade your water. My best advice is to focus on getting a fourpetal maple (which grows very well in all soils) and breed grow it in all fifteen pots. Sell fifteen of them at a time until you have enough money to upgrade to the best soil and water. Also make sure to get two (2) fertilizer bombs each time you plant a new seed. You can sell the plants for more money.

By hollister
i believe gr=grass. 'ass' probably got edited out.
By cygnet84
Actually, spend your money on soil. The water doesn't matter. I have used level 1 water on tier 4 plants. I bought the water last. After the fountain and every other thing I could buy. The only difference between the waters is that the upgraded water doesn't dry out as fast. Don't buy anything early in the game except the upgraded soil. When you get it, save for the best. If you have 50 dollars to spare buy an ornament to get more people into the nursery but that is not necessary.
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