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Virtual Villagers 1: A New Home Forum

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Is there any way to get a villager ...

Is there any way to get a villager to increase their job level faster or keep the working at their job? I have one of my original villagers that is only Adept Scientist. I have bought all of my Tech.s, and turned the game up to X2 speed. I also have spent hours picking him up and dropping him at the research table, but he keeps wandering off when he is done, and His increase isn't noticable. I also have his main job set at research, but he is always doing other stuff unless I drag him back to the table. I have all of the other puzzles or the ability to finish them except the school, which I have to have a master scientist for. Any hel, please? Thank you.

By josh
how do you teach ur ppl to fish ?
By daddyzaring
Cleared the beach and dropped a farmer in the water.
By sunny
you have to reach the third tech level under farming before they will start to fish. otherwise when you drop the people in the water you'll get a message saying that your people don't know how to fish.
By daddyzaring
Do children have to be a certain age before Master Scientist will teach? I bang the drum, the children come, but my master scientist won't do anything when I drop him off by the school, drum, or children?
By vvnut
u need the lagoon!!!!
which takes lvl 2 bldg to get
and put a MASTER farmer in the lagoon and he will fish, then
N E 1 can fish.
hope i cleared things up :)
By vvnut
u need the lagoon!!!!
which takes lvl 2 bldg to get
and put a MASTER farmer in the lagoon and he will fish, then
N E 1 can fish.
hope i cleared things up :)
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