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?? I tried going to the school and...

?? I tried going to the school and for some reason it wouldn't let me in. I went exploring because of that, and I went down in some caves. Now I seem to be trapped by some rats (4). Can somebody tell me why the game might not have let me into the school or have any ideas to get me past the rats? Thanks ahead of time!!

By asdf
lead them away from tight spaces and try to dodge and past them and get out or kill the rats if u can

By dragonqueen
Thanks, asdf! :)
By beginner helper
Try to escape the rats by leading them to a clearing and take the opposite side. Many beginner friends of mine always have those problems. Oh and try talking to the first long-haired man you see near the entrance, he's the headmaster. He'll give you bedroom key and sched.
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