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Plant Tycoon Forum

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This is how I beat plant tycoon (through a lot of cheating and reviewing other people's suggestions.) Hopefully this helps! I was confused reading through other people's tips but there were definitely some real gems out there.

You should figure out how to plant things/become familiar with the game before you use this guide.

1) Plant all of your original seeds + seeds in the seedbox you start out with. Buy all 3 of the seeds in the supply store.

2) After planting all your seeds you can either wait for them to grow, or you can move your computer clock forward (about an hour) because the seeds grow in real time.

3) After the seeds are mature, self fertilize them. Turn clock ahead again until seeds are present.

4) Put one seed in seedbox,and one seed in 'seeds' on main screen. Write down the name of the plant that shows up on a separate word doent and save the seeds in order so you'll be able to find them later.

5) Replant all of the seeds that you had before and cross fertilize.

----------------... of cross fertilization:

There are 2 main things for each plant, the type of flower (the first word in the name of the plant - could be fragrant, citrus, etc), and the type of the plant (the 2nd word - maple, reptans, etc). Depending on the 2 plants you choose to crossbreed a new combination of flower and plant will result. The computer combines the flowers from each plant and has a formula to get a new type of flower, as well as combines the two types of plants to get a new type of plant. This is the order someone came up with online and I think it works. Basically to get the flower, the computer takes the two types of flowers on the plants you're crossbreeding and combines them (say you have a Daisy and Spotted) and will produce the flower in the middle of them (Painted). If there is no exact middle the computer will choose the top flower in the list (say you have Nox and Spotted a daisy will be produced rather than painted.). Same thing goes for the plant part of the plants.


1. Tilia

2. Baccatus

3. Lilia

4. Tahition

5. Venus

6. Arthurium

7. Citrus

8. Mela

9. Venomous

10. Aureus

11. Four Petal

12. Blazing

13. Fragrant

14. Fabled

15. Jalapa

16. Viola

17. Rosaceae

18. Mystic

19. Bluestar

20. Nox

21. Daisy

22. Painted

23. Spotted


. (Weeper)

2. (Ridgeball)

3. (Multiflora)

4. Pitcher

5. Tigerfern

6. Glaber

7. Ball Cactus

8. Pear Cactus

9. Pipe Cactus

10. Rare Oak

11. Maple

12. Bamboo

13. Lemonbush

14. Fanleaf

15. Maranta

16. Ananas

17. Fern

18. Gladiatus

19. Astera

20. Orchid

21. Grass

22. Scandens

23. Reptans


How to get the 6 magic plants:

The 6 magic plants are -

1) Four petal maple (fragrant maple - will attract rare bugs should sell for about $60)

2) Rosacea Fern (Rose of Joy - will attract crowds)

3) Fabled Lemonbush (Fabled Rose of Isola - will sell for $436)

4) Nox Orchid (Knowledge - lets you know how much everything is worth)

5) Aureus Scandens (Golden berries of wealth - makes people spend more money)
6) Mela Rare oak (Fruit of life - makes plants around it bloom more vigorously and resistant to disease)

1)To get them you can either use the list above and combine things (for example to get four petal maple - four petal is a cross between a citrus and fabled, mela and fragrant, etc and maple is a cross between lemonbush and ball cactus, etc. so if you have a citrus lemonbush and fabeled ball cactus or any combo of the things above you will get a four petal maple). Personally I used a fabeled maranta and four petal ball cactus which I started out with.

Remember to cross pollinate the plant with itself!!! If you need money you can plant a bunch of these, turn the clock on your computer ahead, and sell them.

2)To get the rosacea fern do the same thing again using your plants. Try crossing different combos of plants and see if you get ones that will cross to a rosacea fern. I crossed my new four petal maple to a spotted reptans and got the rosacea fern.

--also you must upgrade your soil! I would recommend buying level 2 now.

3) To get the Fabled lemonbush I crossed a four petal maple that I had created with a viola maranta.

--with this you can pollinate itself and then create a lot and sell them all. You should get enough money to buy the level 3 soil, and then mutation liquid.

4) To get the Nox Orchid I crossed my mystic fern with a spotted reptans.

5) To get Aureus Scandens I crossed my citrus reptans with my blazing grass. I think I might have had to mutate a daisy grass to get the blazing grass.

6) To get the mela rare oak I mutated a mela cactus with a DNA altering solution.

To get to the advanced 5-6 you need to buy some of the $2000 seeds. Go to this website to look at seeds that are 'level 4'. These are the ones you should invest in (look at seed catalog):


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