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Can anyone help with the expert ver...

Can anyone help with the expert version on levels 33, 34 and 35?
I have tried and tried and can't get past them in expert time.

In exchange I will help with getting the star on level 32 which took me days to get. I looked at the tips here for level 32 and tried them and various other combinations and this is what finally worked for me.

First build an estate house then build a workshop and upgrade estate house at same time. Try to get it upgraded to 2 stars but sell it as soon at the $90,000 premier property comes up for sale. You need to buy the premier properties ASAP. (This order worked best for me: buy $90,000 then $360,000 then $180,000.)

Buy 3 workers as soon as work shop is done. Build sawmill at same time. Buy material as soon as done. Build a manison try to upgrade to as least 2 stars and sell but buying the premier properties is most important. You want to try to upgrade these properties at this point because you my buy them back later and this will save you time ungrading them when you really need it later.

To achieve your rental money goal. You will need 4 castles. 2 on premier lots with 4 stars, one on premier lot with 3 stars, and one on regular lot with 3 stars. As soon as possible start building castles. Build the bank as soon as you finish your first castle don't forget to set to donate as I did this a couple of times. I also built a manison during this time.

I tried the two bank thing but it did not work. Thoughout the game continuously buy 3 workers and 5000 of material when you can. You should have 25-30 workers when done. Don't tried to upgrade all the castles to 4 stars you will not have time. Inspect properties as time permits. Don't worry about inspecting the properties on the permier lots you buy. You will not have them long enough. If one needs repairs just demolish it. Don't worry if you can't start building castles on all of them at once.

Next start working on your manisons and estates. Don't try to build the manisons first and then the estates. If you do you will run out of time. Build a manison (hopefully you already have one built from your castle period.) and some estates and start upgrading. Buy this point you will have plenty of cash and will be able to buy some manisons and estates. You need to buy some because you do not have enough time to build all of them and upgrade them. Whatever you can not buy you will need to build and upgrade.

I hope this helped someone. Please reply. I would really like to hear some feed back. Also any HELP on levels 33-35 would real by appriciated. Thanks

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