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In the fullversion, I'm stuck in th...

In the fullversion, I'm stuck in this part: I gotta go to Land's End, but first I need to find Rhen a cutlass to boost her melee atacks. The thing is: I've already searched the WHOLE Aveyond map AND the Memory Caves and I get nothing, only lost! Can anyone please help me? Where is the cutlass sword?

By dragongirl
cutlass sword?if rhen and lars graduated there is a chest in a small cliff at m.t orion,there is no monster there,there be another cliff there but with a monster and theres a chest there another weapon will be in there if you want it take it if not leave it of course!silly!its too easy!oh,and one last tip:if you are under lvl 20 OR 21 dont go there okay?
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