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Does anyone know if island events c...

Does anyone know if island events continue to happen after all puzzles have been solved? Or am I just wasting my time here because nothing else is ever going to happen....

By mama
I let my game continue to play on...and on...and on.. Until today when I looked at my game.. Apparently the golden child found a book and I let him read it..there was a map...and he found a trail in the woods and walked away..never to be seen again.. now out of my people I have 1 8 year old girl.. but I did save the game.. to do this so you dont have to do all the puzzles over again.. once you have completed everything. Go into you program files, copy all the information in the file folder to a folder on you Desktop...then when and if all your people die, just replace the saved information back into the original file folder.. then you start where you left off. ***when you want to copy the information back into the original file, you have to delete what was there first instead of copy and then paste the saved information. Otherwise everything wont fully be erased from that file.
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