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Virtual Villagers 2: The Lost Children Forum

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sorry for double posting but how do...

sorry for double posting but how do u get quick fast food?

By fuzz62
if you don't have any food pause the game by pressing the space bar and search the island for mushrooms because even though the game is paused they will still appear
By fuzz62
also if you have completed puzzle 9 you can make a stew up using
the black chain of plants located below the grave yard 2 times and the pinkish red coloured plant that cind of look like a lilly located below the vine covered wall once and the ones that are having to many babies you can kill off but if your not that kind of person you can make another stew that gets your villagers health bar full by putting 2 of the lilac coloured plant located above the grave yard and one of the pinky red coloured plants located at the bottem of the island in the middle
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