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Virtual Villagers 3: The Secret City Forum

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Please help i have plans on my chal...

Please help i have plans on my chalk board but don't know what they are for......

By lucy
The plans are either for the Aromatherapy (bath), Clothing hut, or statue. Drag builders to those spots and see what they do! =)

If it's for moving the statue, you need to drag the chief there as well so he can direct the effort. It won't work without the chief.

Good luck! =)

By anteeter
I have the bath and aromatherapy and it wont let me start the statue, where is the clothing hut please?

By lucy
It's that outline on the ground that looks like the foundation of a building. =)
By misangel0625
I never had plans up for the clothing hut. They're building it anyway, though.
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