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Virtual Villagers 2: The Lost Children Forum

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I have solved all puzzles, com...

I have solved all puzzles, completed all collections and amassed 50 Esteemed Elder totems. I am using the iPod touch so my max population is only 40 (ocassionally 41 if a woman is having twin babies). I discovered that 50 is the maximum of Esteemed Elder totems this version will allow one to collect. I have also discovered on my iPod touch that if a villager masters two other skills other than parenting, you can keep dragging a villager, with the new parenting task checked, atop another villager with same task, over and over, simply hitting "ok" when it tells you that your maximum population is reached. This causes the "parenting" level to increase each time you hear a kiss, untill the villager is a master of that task/skill too. This aids in getting the Esteemed Elder totems faster. You don't need to wait on the villagers to enter the hut, or finish their dance or anything. You can build the parenting skill as fast as your fingers can move. Sometimes an Adept Parent will run away from an Untrained or Trainee Parent the first few times. Just be persistent and keep putting the newbie directly on top of the other untill you hear the kiss. Keep doing this until they are both Adept and then you don't even need to place them on top of eachother. Placing the one you're trying to build the level on, even so muck as a centimeter to the right of the other will achieve the kiss. This makes it easier to "pop" them up and place them down over and over. I've maxed a Parenting level to Master from 0 in just a few minutes using this method.
Also, by making a stew of two black herbs and one of the red herbs by the ancient mossiac, any villager that eats the stew will get sick and head towards the hospital. Now simply take your youngest child and keep dropping him/her atop the sick villagers and watch the "healing" skill rise. The child's title will change to Apprentice Doctor and this child will have a good head start on mastering that skill. It looks like you can do this as long and as many times as you want, although the length of my patience has only allowed a Healing level to amass half completion. Also, as long as no one is making a stew, you can keep dropping a villager atop one of the 6 herbs, again and again, to rise the villager's Healing level.
Dropping an adult atop bones of a dead villager will make him/her pick up the bones and it will say they're "Burying the Dead". This gets rid of all the decaying dead that can collect by the research table.
So far, the only end I've found to VV2 is maximg out the Esteemed Elder totems... I have over 1.5 million tech points and over 500k food. It seems to me to be endless after the puzzeld are solved, collections are completed, all the new wardrobe changes are purchased, Esteemed Elder totems are earned, and ringing the gong every 24 hours lends a surprise... The kids are cute too.

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